July 1, 2014

An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It isn't a saying for no reason, that is for sure. The final food group I'm going to really cover is of the colorful variety. Fruit is great because it is healthy and good for your diet.  Very rarely can you find someone who doesn't like any kind of fruit. That's because fruit is delicious...duh.

Why, you ask? Because it has a whole load of sugar in it. (GASP) I know, its life shattering. But don't worry! It's a good sugar, if there is such a thing. The sugar is natural, not added, therefore not "bad" for you. I like to think that fruit has that wonderful, sugary taste because God wanted you to be able to eat something healthy that didn't taste like the ground.

Fruit is considered a nutrient dense food, meaning you get lots of benefits from eating just a little. Many essential nutrients that are under-consumed in the general diet can be found in fruits like potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C. These specific nutrients can lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancers. The fiber itself has many benefits, including reducing cholesterol and regulating bowel function. I always tell my patients who are having some bowel issues to eat bananas. They usually look at me like I'm crazy, which is debatable, but I promise it can help!

My favorite benefit of eating fruit is the amazing effects it can have on your skin! Fruits are full of vitamin C which is a key ingredient in skin cell formation. They are also chalk full of antioxidants and the majority are made of mostly water, which we can all use more of. Think of fruit as a resurfacing agent. Who needs those expensive creams?? Just grab some oranges!

The USDA recommends consuming 2 cups of fruit per day. This may sound daunting, but I like to eat fruit as a snack and can easily get in two cups. This brings up fruit's best qualities: it is generally low in calories (not carbs) and can be helpful in filling you up.  For example, a cup a grapes (lots of antioxidants and vitamin K) is about 100 calories. How many grapes in a cup? 32. Yes 32. That's a whole bunch if you were wondering. Definitely fills me up, and I didn't break my calorie bank for the day! It also satisfies a sweet tooth if you have one. See? Good sugar!

I don't incorporate fruits into meals very often, unless I am scrambling for more to eat. But like I said, they usually make an appearance as a snack. Fruit can get expensive, especially if it isn't in season. I am not against canned fruit, and usually recommend it for my clients who are trying to stretch a dollar. As long as the fruit is in natural juices, there is no added sugar and still as nutritious as fresh...although fresh is always better tasting in my opinion.

OKAY, I'm done rambling about food groups. Now I can move on to more interesting things! Get excited. I might post a recipe next, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!


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