March 23, 2015

5 Things Pregnancy Has Taught Me...So Far

Pregnancy has been nothing like what I imagined. To be honest, I really had no idea what to expect! As little girls, we most often dream of our weddings and being a mother or wife (if that's what you'd like). Well, I must have skipped dreaming about the getting to being a mother part.

You always hear one of two things when other moms talk about pregnancy: A) "I LOVED being pregnant", or B) "It was the worst thing I've ever gone through." I can't say my allegiance is strongly with one side or the other. I have my days of living in pregnancy bliss and then I have other days when I am absolutely miserable. I have a feeling this is normal though.

I'm a little over half way through now and learning more and more about myself, my baby, and my future life every day. Here are some of the lessons I've learned thus far, and what I can tell first time expecting moms!

It goes very fast. I cannot believe the 30 week mark is approaching, not to mention single digit weeks until Baby H is here! It seems like just yesterday that I was taking the test and now, it has taken over my life, in a good way of course! I do feel like I have been pregnant for a long time, but I might be a little sad when I am no longer. I do regret not taking more bump pictures along the way. Word of advice to the newly pregnant, take lots of pics! Oh, and because the time is so short, don't spend lots of money on maternity clothes. See if friends have some you can borrow or secondhand-it. No use in spending a crazy amount on an entirely separate wardrobe for such a short time!

There are a lot of rules. So. Many. Rules. Don't eat this, don't do that. I swear sometimes it feels like you're in preggo jail. The worst part is if you aren't up to date on the rules (heaven forbid!) and someone sees you committing a crime (i.e. eating a hot dog, gasp!) they will definitely give you the eye and pull the, "Are you really going to eat that? Do you know what that can do to your baby?" It is awful. Sometimes I feel like I am in high school again! I feel so self conscious when we go out to eat like I might choose something wrong. And most of the supporting information for these "rules" is contradictory. One place will tell you to eat a salad every day, then another will tell you leafy greens can't be trusted and are usually too high in Vitamin A anyway, so don't eat them. FOR THE LOVE! If you have a question, ask your doctor. If you are trusting them to deliver your baby, you can trust them to tell you what is and isn't safe. Don't check the internet, it will only terrify and confuse you.

All I want in life right now is a salami sandwich. You know what? I might just eat a salami sandwich if I want to. And no, that does not mean I am a bad Mom, it means I am human, oh, and pregnant.

Pregnancy brain is a real thing. Oh boy, is it a real thing. I have this one bad too. Before pregnancy, I felt so on top of my game. Now? Not so much! It is incredibly frustrating forgetting where you put things or commitments you have made. I was never good at writing things down, but now make myself or else there is no promising I'll remember! My husband and I have an agreement that he can't get upset with me for forgetting things or being indecisive while pregnant. He didn't understand that I really couldn't help it! While frustrating, it can also be comical...once the initial tears from embarrassment and frustration pass. You will be able to laugh about it later, I promise!

Pregnancy can make you your own worse nightmare. I struggle with worry and anxiety. Unfortunately, these traits mixed with pregnancy are a recipe for disaster. It is difficult, for me anyway, to not know exactly what is happening inside of me. I read into every little symptom that comes along. Because I like research, and knowing what is going on (say it with me, "Control Freak"), I'll usually try to find out what it means on my own. This never ends well...usually I'm speeding off to my doctor's office or calling them in tears. Its exhausting. I'm working really hard on staying positive and trusting my doctors when they tell me everything is just fine! I can't really help out with this area because I still haven't learned to control it myself!

Everyone's pregnancy is different. This is the most important thing I have learned and had to repeat over and over again to myself. I am blessed to be pregnant at the same time as a handful of my friends. It has been so much fun laughing, venting, and crying with each other as we go through this journey. However, it is hard not to compare your own journey to theirs. I remember someone asking me around 18 weeks if I had felt Baby kick yet because they started feeling it at 14 weeks. I hadn't, and I immediately thought something was wrong. Nothing was wrong, my pregnancy timeline was just different. My preggo support team had to help me through that one! This is also why googling symptoms doesn't work. A symptom can mean one thing for one mom but something totally different for another. Again, just ask your doctor. They know more about your situation than "Mama79472" on ;)

If you have anything to add, please do so in a comment! I love learning hearing other mommy-to-be stories!



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