I'm not even going to try to make excuses for failing to post for (ahem) four-ish months. Let's just say a lot has happened and blogging just didn't cross my mind. My life is changing so rapidly, I can hardly keep up. But that's what blogs are for right? It's the 21st century diary of sorts...except its completely public.
I've never been one to share my feelings or thoughts freely with complete strangers, but hey why not? I'm sure someone might have some insight for me as I continue on this crazy roller coaster of a life. There have been good's and bad's in the past few months. I hesitate to say "bad" because I know my life isn't all that tough. I am incredibly blessed, and I often take it for granted. I guess my bad's are really just trials; things that God throws in our mix to test us and see how we handle it. I think we are doing ok. So I'm going to ramble a bit and share with you why I haven't gotten to blogging.
So here's what has been happening. I'll start with the not so good:
- My husband's grandmother passed away. I work in long term care and deal with death every day. But the passing of a family member is never easy.
- My husband's company was bought out. This isn't exactly a bad thing, but it is a very uncertain thing. We have no idea what the future holds for his job, and it stresses me out to no end. It is a test of my faith for sure.
- I realized that I've gained 10lbs. Okay okay, I know this really isn't something to complain about since it is totally my own fault, but that's why I'm so upset about it. I should know better.
- We have been looking for a house. Anyone that has gone through this process can agree that it is STRESSFUL. There was one point when we were told that we couldn't get approved for a loan until June...our lease is up in May.
- My student loans kicked in. We knew it was coming, but it has been a huge adjustment and honestly I've had to readjust all of my meal planning tactics. Part of me felt like I couldn't blog about food and savings because I felt like I knew nothing all of a sudden. I'm getting my groove back though...I think...
But here's the good and exciting things
- I started selling Gold Canyon candles! I wanted to explore the option of a second income, but my schedule just wouldn't allow it. I learned about this company from a friend, and I must say that I'm very happy that I chose this sales company to work for. The products are great and I have a lot of fun sharing them with others.
- My dream job opened up. I applied, that's the extent of that. I'll keep you posted if anything happens.
- My husband decided that he wants to pursue a different path in his career. Usually, this would really freak me out. I don't handle change very well, but this is a good move and will be great for him. I'm happy for him!
- I turn 24 tomorrow. I know it isn't old, but I feel like it is. I found a gray hair the other day and I felt very indifferent about it. Weird? Maybe a little.
And lastly...We got a house!!! We scheduled our closing date tonight and will be closing Friday! Not moving too far away, only 10 minutes. But we have a 2 acre lot and plenty of space for our dog to run around (and room for babies...our mothers are ecstatic). I cannot wait to get out of this apartment! Also it will give me so much more to blog about since I have a gigantic list of projects that I want to do in this house and can't wait to get started!
I think that's it. I'll get back to food eventually. But for now, I'll leave you with this pic of dinner that I made tonight. It may have been one of the easiest things I've ever made. Served with a side salad, it was perfect.
Until next time!
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