August 6, 2014

Dietitian vs. Nutritionist

I went to a book store the other day, and as always, I was drawn to the food/health sections. I love looking at the crazy claims some books make these days. People will really do anything for a buck. I was drawn to a Paleo book in the new releases section. It was pretty. I mean nice, big, hardcover with great pictures all over it. The author, standing, smiling on the front cover, had the letters BS, NC after her name. I literally laughed out loud (which caused many heads to turn..awkward) and left the store shaking my head.


It wasn't that the book was on the Paleo diet...(which is a whole other can of worms I'd rather not open)

It was the letters NC, which stand for Nutrition Consultant. Nutrition Consultants usually flaunt the name "Nutritionist". You might be thinking, "Well aren't you a nutritionist?" No. I am a dietitian.

What's the difference? I have a bachelor of science degree pertaining to the study of food, completed a supervised practice of 1200+ hours and have passed a written registration examination (boards) to obtain my credentials. I now have to complete a set number of continuing education hours to keep the hard earned letters behind my name. Nutritionists? They pay a fee to an organization who mails them a certificate. For some types of membership, there are no prerequisites, not even a high school degree. Theoretically, this means a dog can be credentialed as a nutritionist.

I am not trying to argue that nutritionists don't have a love for food or nutrition. I'm sure most of those who go by "nutritionist" are likely more enthusiastic about nutrition than I am at times. Some are highly educated even, but not always in the field of nutrition. I just want to point out the difference in background.

There are few things that push my buttons enough for me to raise a stink. One such subject is the public's extreme readiness to believe anything that is told to them. Usually, I keep it to myself. But being in the field of nutrition, it is becoming increasingly difficult. People seem to believe everything they hear; especially when HUGE promises are made (i.e. lose 15 lbs in 30 days, trimmer waist guaranteed, etc etc). So here is my plea:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE look in the credibility of whoever is making these promises and claims before you believe them.

Look into the person's education, their scientific support, and their professional background before you go buy their books and contentions.

And as always, feel free to ask me any burning questions you have about nutrition. I will always do my best to answer them.